
Providing a film or a program with captions (verbatim or in edited form)

Offering content advice by providing subject-related information and conducting research. Content is any material, written or oral, intended for publication or broadcasting. As to evaluation, the content is examined for relevance of information to the subject in question, the consistency of ideas, logic, and overall structure.

Creating brand names and/or writing promotional and advertising copies for ATL and BTL marketing, including but not limited to: slogans, taglines, letters, corporate profiles, and brochures.

Revising a written content to correct any spelling, grammar and/or terminology mistakes. The overall style, syntax and language register are improved or rewritten wherever necessary. Editing is of two types:

  • Basic Proofreading: Detecting and correcting spelling, grammatical mistakes and punctuation marks.
  • Substantive Editing: Revising the content beyond a basic proofreading. This type of edit involves rewriting and/or making language improvements to ensure that the content has a coherent structure, a sound sequence of ideas, a correct indication to illustrations, graphs and captions (if any).

Verifying the accuracy of factual information in any content. It covers: historical entries, events, names, places, dates; technical, cultural and scientific data.

Linguistic quality assurance of video and e-games.

Planning and managing projects within our areas of expertise.

Providing a film or a program with subtitles (original and translated)

Paraphrasing, translating or editing a written content to make it fit for the target audience of a certain country or location. Language localization considers cultural differences and integrates the content or product into the conventions of the intended environment.

Conveying the meaning of a written source text into a target one. It is a comprehensive process following a set of standard steps: 
1) examination of the subject in question; 
2) producing an accurate and faithful translation; and 
3) rendering a final text that reads as well as the original.

Double-checking a translation to ensure that it is correct, and free from translation and linguistic errors. This edit is of two types:

  • Comparative: Checking the accuracy of a translation by comparing the target and source texts.
  • Monolingual: Checking a translation without referring back to the source text.

Writing down a recorded material that has no script.

Writing and authoring different materials intended for publication, presentation or broadcasting:
  • Company Profiles
  • Dissertations
  • E-zines
  • Journalistic articles (general & technical)
  • Marketing & Promotional Plans
  • Newsletters
  • Scripts (TV programs, Films & Documentaries)
  • Speeches
  • Synopses (Films & Books)
  • User’s Guide
  • Website’s content
  • Work plans